Em(body)ment of Wonder

Book synopsis:

Each one of us is on a path to somewhere. But where exactly? Life is full of forks in the road, and we were not given a map or an instruction manual when we stole our first breaths of air from the atmosphere. But the heart is salient—a compass pointing not north, but onward.

Embody(ment) of Wonder retraces the path Tanya Sangpun Thamkruphat has traveled. This is what she learned along the way.

Full Review:

As the publisher of this book, I must say that while this book is brief, it brings a season of change and growth. The author, Tanya, shares the slow progress made over time to finding self worth and confidence. Depression is discussed in this book, but the constant persistence to thrive is evident and highlighted in each poem.

A couple of poems reveal Tanya’s identity and how she breaks the silence of hiding mental illness in her culture. An Asian American woman, Tanya came to us ready to share her previously self-published book. Theresa and I both agreed that it would be such a great addition to the Raine Publishing bookshelf. The poems are well versed and packed a punch to themes we need to talk more about.

I would truly love to see a book discussion start about this book in college settings, as it is a short read and a great conversation starter with a glass of chai in the evening with friends and classmates.

Cheyenne Raine

Cheyenne Raine is a designer and developer located in Texas. Along with her business partner, Theresa Ressa, Raine curates brand identities from a sustainable and data-driven mindset.




The Grief We’re Given